

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is the delivery of On-Demand Computing Services - from applications to storage to processing power - over the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis. There is no longer a need to own an IT Infrastructure or Big Servers, Carbon Evaluations will provide databases stored in the Cloud (online), which will be more cost effective, secure and have the additional flexibility to be upgraded/downgraded at needs change.

Entreprise Mobility

Our 2-Part Authentication, VPN Connectivity and Cyber Security, helps to manage all potential vulnerabilities to secure the working environment. Should you or your staff lose your mobile device, you can take comfort in knowing the data is encrypted and it can be deleted at will and set up on a new device.

Digital Solutions

With the aid of new technology, we can add digital signatures to equipment so we can identify what the cause of the incident was. This can be taken care of remotely, this ultimately reduces time consumed and its associated cost. This is the benefit of being able to remedial fixes, from remote locations without the need to travel.


Using DevOps we will help clients increase the speed to deliver applications and services. By combining software development and IT operations, DevOps has many advantages to get the perfect result like for example accelerated innovation making tasks faster and more efficient, Reliability makes testing, keeping the security and quality in mind.

Business Applications

Carbon Evaluations can build a custom software reflecting the personal requirements that you need. The key to building any such software is to keep the end user in mind, from the offset. Build and approve the wire framing to get a better understanding of your requirements and approval of the end users. Custom software is usually cost efficient (does not require individual user licenses), can be integrated into existing systems and enhances overall business security and control. This will also allow the anonymising of data to be more seamless, the control of passwords to be easier and GDPR to be followed in the same way across all applications that you utilise.


Our global ecosystem of blockchain for Fintech, education, healthcare, engineering, retail and logistics supports our clients in harnessing the opportunities and capabilities that blockchain technology has to offer. We have a specialized team working in the fintech market with 2 well known banks. No task is too big or too small. We have over 25 developers working in blockchain development with at least 5 years of experience. We use blockchain to create smart contracts between clients, to ensure trust and to provide better and easier transactions. Records will be easily transmitted to the destination needed.

AI and Machine Learning

Carbon Evaluations is a strong advocate in this field and it works closely in partnership with a company in Spain that specialises in artificial intelligence. Our team works relentlessly to find the best practices to implement them in our customers' solutions.

Cyber Security

Is your Data Secure? What steps have you taken to secure it? Do you need to improve your existing security of data? Theft of digital information has become the most commonly reported fraud, surpassing physical theft. Every business that uses the Internet is responsible for creating a culture of security that will enhance business and consumer confidence. This is because Carbon Evaluations provides you with all the latest top security features for your solution, such as the use of digital fingerprints and 2 step authenticators. Do you need help to ensure your existing or new solution is GDPR Compliant? This is a very important question. We can analyse the processes you already have in place and provide you our feedback. You are then in a position to decide which steps are essential and which ones are nice to have. Being able to tell your customers that you have a robust process in place to manage GDPR is a good asset to have. It gives customers confidence in your business dealings.
